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Use™ next to your mark immediately
Trademark filing in India and Abroad


    Our Recent Trademarks

    Advantages of Registering a Trademark

    Legal Protection

    Brand Recognition & Goodwill

    Exclusive Right

    Differentiates Goods/Services

    Who Can File a Trademark?




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    I would definitely reccomend people to choose patntech over any other. The response and the way i got my patent done went so well. Chandrashekar sir has full knowledge about this field and he is an expert in it. He made it so simple and easy for us in getting the patent done.

    Jeevan Reddy
    Patent Applicant

    It was really great interacting with Mr. Chandrashekar during the filing for our patent. He guided us well and was extremely quick during the entire process. His deliverables and costs are also extremely competitive and we are really happy to have got in touch with him for our project. Strongly recommend him for your IP needs.

    Sarunya Health Sciences
    Patent Applicant

    Amazing Response, great work. Very professional in the field. Work gets done on the date given by them. Chandrashekhar Raju has been on his toes with everything that we asked for and cleared all our doubts with ease. Extremely professional company. More power. Good luck

    Aloke Rub Plast Pvt. Ltd.
    Patent Applicant

    Just amazing, you feel like you are in safe hands always and great follow up.

    Trademark Applicant

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      Trademark is an intellectual property consisting of recognizable sign or design in order to identify products or services from a specific source or company.

      A trademark can be any word, name, symbol etc. which is used to identify and distinguish products or services of one specific seller or service provider from those of other competitors in the market.

      • Brand name, logo, design and/or symbol
      • Name of a product
      • Name of a Service

      TM indicates that the trademark application has been filed and the registration is under process. An applicant can use the TM beside his brand name or logo once the application is filed. He can use it until the registration is done. After completion of registration, the TM gets replaced by ® which means the trademark registration is completed and it is valid for 10 years.

      Exclusive right

      Brand recognition

      Legal Protection

      Builds trust and Goodwill

      Differentiates Product/Service

      In most jurisdictions, the products for which trademarks are registered are categorized using the 45 product classes of the International Classification of Goods and Services under the Nice Agreement. Classes 1 to 34 are used for goods and classes 35 to 45 for services.

      Registered Trademark is valid for 10 years from the date of filing the application. The trademark owner can file for renewal of the trademark every ten years to get perpetual protection.

      Immediately after filing the trademark application, Applicants can start using ™ next to their mark/logo.

      After successful registration of trademark, Applicant can replace ™ with ® indicating that the mark is registered.

      Applicant’s / Company Name

      Office / Business address

      Nature of business

      Brand/logo/slogan name

      Trademark usage date with proof, if the mark is in use already
